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Magnify Your Voice: Magnify works to activate and realize the passions of community members across the country through an accessible digital platform for civic and community projects.

Community Rhythms GuideDesigned by the Harwood Institute for Public Innovation. Community Rhythms explores the steps and challenges in creating strong sustainable communities.

Community Rhythms Tool: The tool serves to enable communities of all sizes to thoughtfully consider their capacity and the way forward.

Building Neighborhood Capacity Toolkit: Building Neighborhood Capacity was a federally funded neighborhood revitalization initiative that aimed to catalyze community-driven change in neighborhoods that have historically been excluded from prosperity.

Collective Impact Forum: The forum is a place for communities to find tools, resources, advice and share knowledge alongside other communities.

Asset & Power Mapping Tools: Every community has resources and assets available. Asset and power mapping are tools for strategic planning based on strengths as opposed to gaps.



Civic Engagement & Voter Education

Ballotpedia and Ballot Ready: Ballotpedia & BallotReady allows voters a simple way to learn about the races within their district, make informed choices, and then bring a list of those choices to their polling place to simplify and inform down ballot races. 

Missouri Voter Registration: Missouri allows online voter registration. Click the link for voter registration and information voting in Missouri.


Meetings & Facilitation

Condensed Guide to Good MeetingsProvided by the Harvard Business Review, this guide to running meetings is a great way to try new things and see if they work for you and your community. This article is part of a larger HBR series on creating teams.

Development, Impact & You (DIY): DIY offers a range of tools and resources for planning, ideation, and facilitation.

Robert's Rules of OrderRobert's Rules of Order is one system for structured meetings.

Mo4All Facilitation Guide (Coming soon): This living document features our process for facilitating in community to support capacity and relationship growth. A list of other facilitation guides can be found here.

Post-It CollaborationPost-It offers a list of fun and innovative ways to use their products to drive productivity, innovation and collaboration.

Group Works: Group Works offers a number of tools for enhancing meetings and collaborative work. Their card system offers a unique approach to intentional meetings.

Group Model BuildingGroup Model Building offers a series of scripts in order to facilitate a shared understanding of a complex problem. A guide to available scripts (structured small group activities) can be found here.


Using Data

Community Data for CommunitiesOur Guide to publically available data sources for strengthening your case.



Health & Healthcare

Practical Playbook: Created by Duke University and the US Center or Disease Control and Prevention, the playbook features resources, toolkits and templates for making change.

Building Healthy Places Network: Building Healthy Places Network supports the connection between community development & Health.

Healthy Communities Initiative: A collaboration between the Federal Reserve Banks and Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, HCI offers resources for enhancing collaboration.

Community Guide: Developed by the CDC, the community guide offers accessible information on what works to create healthy communities.

Community Health Assessment Toolkit: Nonprofit Hospitals must complete a community health needs assessment. This tool offers resources for exploring local health.

ReThink Health: Created by the Rippel Foundation and Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, ReThink Health is focused on reframing and redefining Health. 



Government Transparency

USASpending: Created by the US Treasury, USA Spending offers a full breakdown of government spending by geography, agency, or issue area.

MapYourTaxes: Created by the Missouri Department of Economic Development, MapYourTaxes offers information on state expenditures and other information.

Missouri For All - Government Transparency Guide: At Missouri (Coming soon)

Open Secrets: Explore campaign contributions, lobbyist payments, and more.

Little Sis: Profile and map social and financial networks

Guide to FOIA & Public Disclosure: The Freedom of Information Act provides the public with access to public records and is a valuable tool in government accountability.

Missouri's Sunshine Law: Missouri law states that it is "the public policy of the state that meetings, records, votes, actions, and deliberation of public governmental bodies be open to the public unless provided by law.


Communication and Advocacy

FrameWorks Institute: Since 1999, FrameWorks has worked to develop language that connect timeless American values with the challenges of today. Their work has frames discussions around childhood education, health and wellness, and a number of other fields.

Community Toolbox: Community Toolbox features toolkits on community building, advocacy skills, and planning. 


Other Useful Links

Aunt Bertha: Aunt Bertha is a search and referral platform for social services.


Connecting Community

Resource Library


Missouri For All

5653 Southwest Ave.

St. Louis, MO 63139




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Breaking Down Barriers. Building Civic Participation.

@2018 Missouri For All.

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